Diamond D-Jet

If you’ve noticed one constant with the development of personal jets, it’s that financial difficulties are common, almost universal, and so it was with Diamond Aircraft’s development of its single-engine…

Diamond D-Jet
Photo Courtesy of Wiki Commons

If you've noticed one constant with the development of personal jets, it's that financial difficulties are common, almost universal, and so it was with Diamond Aircraft's development of its single-engine D-Jet. Begun in 2006, the program progressed to the point where the London, Ontario, Canada-based North American arm of Diamond was test-flying three of the planes, and they seemed happy with the progress it was making. The five-seat, single-engine, all-composite jet was powered by a single Williams FJ44 turbofan engine, and a flight report by an experienced jet pilot at the time was laudatory of the plane. Diamond talked typical long-range cruise speeds of around 250 knots, but the high-cruise airspeed was around 315 knots. Still, with the recession, Diamond, like so many other companies, hit a rough patch and suspended the program. It's reportedly under review for a possible restart. We'll keep our fingers crossed it happens.

J BeckettWriter

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