5. Whose air is it?

Another pesky regulation has to do with airspace. To put it in context, the FAA’s airspace restrictions are so complex that few active pilots understand them from top to bottom….

5. Whose air is it?

Another pesky regulation has to do with airspace. To put it in context, the FAA's airspace restrictions are so complex that few active pilots understand them from top to bottom. They typically know the regs just well enough in most cases to avoid getting intercepted by fighter jets. An ultralight can only fly in unregulated airspace. And even though they are free to fly in what is known as Class G airspace, they still have to abide by the rules that mandate they stay at least 500 feet away from any person, vessel or structure. So a flying commute is, at least by today's rules, a nonstarter. In addition, what rules would apply to flying motorcyles? Road rules or flying rules? Or some hybrid of them?

J BeckettWriter

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