Gallery: The Best of AirVenture Oshkosh 2022

Our photographers scoured the grounds for a week. These are our personal favorites.

This year's AirVenture, as you'll read elsewhere here, was a record-breaker, but more than that, it broke a few records that aren't officially kept, such as best weather, coolest flight demonstrations, most fun and most ice cream cones eaten (okay, that's a personal record!).

We've selected images from the past week taken by our crack photo team, which is composed of Jim Koepnick and Art Eichmann, that don't necessarily show the coolest planes, although some totally do, but that capture the feel of the week, which by anyone's estimation, had to be one of if not the best AirVenture ever. Enjoy!

Best of Oshkosh Photo of the Week

This week's Plane & Pilot Photo of the Week is from the brilliant lens of legendary photographer Jim Koepnick, who captured this stunning image of a Curtiss P-40 at dawn. Our pick for Photo of the Week isn't just because this is an amazing shot but because this year at EAA Oshkosh AirVenture, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the United States Air Force, the most advanced army of the air in the history of the planet!and by a long shot, too. The Curtiss P-40 is an apt plane for that celebration,because it marks the first entry into service by U.S. air forces in World War II, when the Flying Tigers flew the P-40 in China against the invading Imperial Japanese forces. Of course, it wasn't official, but there was no secret what the message was. And Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor sealed the United States' entry in full into the global conflict. As always, thanks for the great stuff, Jim! And check out more of Jim's stuff along with photography by Art Eichmann in our special Oshkosh 2022 photo galleries.

Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Monday - Three

EAA Flight Safety volunteers Debbie Howard and Chad Howard are ready for arrivals in the Vintage area. Photo by Jim Koepnick

Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Monday - Seven

A modified and much beloved CubCrafters kit plane dubbed the RatCub! Photo by Jim Koepnick

Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Monday - Thirteen

A Boeing Chinook beats a lot of air as it touched down at #osh2022. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Monday - Fifteen

A pair of Van's RVs arrive at OSH. In recognition of the company's 50th anniversary, EAA set aside a special section just for RVs. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Monday

Gear down and roaring, a North American SN-J heads down the flight line. Photo by Jim Koepnick

Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Monday "€“ Twenty-Four

A pretty Cessna Skylane aims for a colored dot on Sunday. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh AirVenture Tuesday 2022 - Six

Red Bull's MBB BO-105, flown here by Aaron Fitzgerald, is one of the only aerobatic helicopters in the world. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh AirVenture Tuesday 2022 - 14

A pair of F/A-18s showing off for the Oshkosh crowd. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh AirVenture Tuesday 2022 - 23

You don't need to ask twice. We're in. Photo by Art Eichmann

Kyle Franklin Cub in wild aerobatic performance

Kyle Franklin Cub in wild aerobatic performance. Photo by Jim Koepnick

Oshkosh AirVenture Tuesday 2022 - 27

An unsuccessful though admittedly hilarious attempt at blending in. Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wednesday 2022

An owner in the vintage area wipes down the Hamilton Standard prop on his bird. Photo by Art Eichmann

Black Fly

Electric ultralight, the Black Fly. Photo by Jim Koepnick

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wednesday 2022 - 3

When someone needs a helping hand, the volunteers as OSH are ready to help. Here, a Bowers Fly Baby gets a hand-propping. Photo by Art Eichmann

Hot Air Balloon Glow

Hot air balloons glow in advanced of the night airshow. Photo by Jim Koepnick

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wednesday 2022 - 6

A Standard J-1, as seen in the great Hollywood flick, The Great Waldo Pepper. Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wednesday 2022 - 8

A motor boat surveys the Sea Bees, Cessnas and Citabrias at the EAA Seaplane Base. Photo by Art Eichmann

Ultralights in the EAA Fun Flight Zone

Ultralights after the air show in the EAA Fun Flight Zone. Photo by Jim Koepnick

Hot air balloon glow

Hot air balloonists light the fire that is, in essence, the powerplant. Photo by Jim Koepnick

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wednesday 2022 - 16

North American T-28s in the dying rays of the Wisconsin evening. Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wednesday 2022 - 17

The least surprising sight we saw all day. Good luck with the glider, kiddo! Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Thursday 2022 "€“ 1

The hat-mounted windsocks aren't FAA approved but we give them big style points nonetheless. Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Thursday 2022 - 8

Don't forget to tell the volunteers how much you appreciate what they do to make Oshkosh possible! Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Thursday 2022 - 16

A trio of warbirds, one of them supersonic, stealth and capable of of hovering, fly in formation. Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Thursday 2022 - 20

LIving the life. Photo by Art Eichmann

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Night Airshow 2022 - Five

Wednesday's Night Airshow was interrupted by showers, but very few spectators went anywhere. Photo by Jim Koepnick

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Night Airshow 2022 - Seven

More beauty from Wednesday night's festivities. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh Friday - 1

A MiG 17 Korean War-era fighter flies by the crowd knife-edge at the 2022 Oshkosh EAA Fly-In. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh Friday - 3

This one tugged at our heartstrings. The Volkswagen Beatle, Red 3, driven by former EAA head Tom Poberezny at OSH for decades. It was one of several tributes to the younger Poberezny EAA put together around the grounds after Poberezny's death on the morning of the first day of this year's event. Photo by Jim Koepnick

Oshkosh Friday - 5

A gust of wind prompts quick action by hat wearers checking out this Skyraider at OSH. Photo by Jim Koepnick

Oshkosh Friday - 15

"Dude, behind you" A C-17 Globemaster ready to touch down at OSH. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh Friday - 18

A T-33 pilot celebrates post flight at OSH. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh Friday - 23

A T-33 flies by as pretty as a picture. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh Friday - 26

A MiG 17 lights it up and heads to the wild blue. Photo by Art Eichmann

Oshkosh Friday - 30

Pilots doing what we arguably do best, talk about airplanes. Photo by Jim Koepnick

Bose - Oshkosh AirVenture 2022 Monday

A commercial pilot, editor-in-Chief Isabel Goyer has been flying for more than 40 years, with hundreds of different aircraft in her logbook and thousands of hours. An award-winning aviation writer, photographer and editor, Ms. Goyer led teams at Sport Pilot, Air Progress and Flying before coming to Plane & Pilot in 2015.

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