Rubbernecking Video: Piper Mirage Force-Landing On Mexican Highway

No one was injured in the crash of the big Piper single

Photo via TVP on Youtube

On Valentine's Day, a video appeared on YouTube with the title, "Se estrella avioneta en autopista Mazatlan-Culiacan," or, "Small plane crashes on Mazatlan-Culiacan highway." The description went on to explain that the video was recorded February 13, and that the plane was en route to Guadalajara when a "mechanical failure" forced the emergency landing.

Thankfully, the translated description adds, "According to information provided by the National Guard there were no injuries or deaths to regret, only damage to the aircraft."

The video, taken from a passing car, shows the Mirage in rough shape, albeit with the passenger cabin looking good. The left wing is detached and resting on the shoulder of the four-lane divided highway. When the camera reaches the main wreckage, its horizontal stabilizer is clearly broken, and the nose gear is missing underneath the wrenched cowling. There is obvious discoloration where it appears a sheen of engine oil may have swept over the top of the cowling from the spinner, across the copilot's window, and down the side of the fuselage.

Photo via TVP on Youtube

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