High Sierra Fly-In A Go: Tickets On Sale

Canceled in 2020, the annual gathering of backcountry enthusiasts has tickets on sale. Spots are limited.

High Sierra Fly-In 2018. Photo by Jim Raeder

Registration for the 11th annual High Sierra Fly-In is now live. The event, which, as always, will take place on Dead Cow (yup) Dry Lake in the remote Nevada desert, will host hundreds of aircraft from October 14-17, 2021. That is, of course, if all goes according to plan. The event has grown so large, however, that the organizers are limiting attendance and tickets (at least for now) to fly-in attendees. Drive-in campers can buy tickets starting on June 1st, and those, too, will be on an "as-available" basis.

The throttling of the attendance is probably necessary, to keep things safe and under control, and the priority being given to fly-in attendees is also based on HSF wanting to keep the event about the flying, which we not only get, but totally endorse.

You don't need to give an N-number to get the ticket, but you do need to fly in with these tickets. Cost of the three-day ticket is $125. Sign up here.

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