Heroes: Remarkable Video And Still Images As Cal National Guard Rescues 200

The rescue at night amid smoke and flames saved hundreds. The actual scenes are gripping beyond description.

A screencap of the California National Guard rescuing people from a wildfire.

A screencap of the California National Guard rescuing people from a wildfire.

Why isn't this a bigger story? If you haven't yet seen video and images from the rescue of 200 people from a Sierra Mountains campground, you need to see this. The pilots: Heroes. They had to fly through night and smoke to rescue the campers, who were forced to flee the fire by getting into the reservoir.

And get this. Reports are that the pilots were waved off by those on the ground but ignored those directions because they knew what was at stake. Those same pilots, in Chinook and Blackhawk helicopters, had to use night vision to find their way. Without their heroism, it would have been a very different story. Perhaps the most gripping image is that of dozens of campers in the bay of the Chinook making their way back to safety. We're guessing they knew how fortunate they were for these pilots!

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