Getting With The (Tower) Program
With all the concern around the FAA’s officially announcing the closing of 149 ATC control towers, Pilot Workshops of Nashua, NH is getting with the program to help ease pilot…
With all the concern around the FAA's officially announcing the closing of 149 ATC control towers, Pilot Workshops of Nashua, NH is getting with the program to help ease pilot anxiety about the transition.
The company just put out three free videosthat are aimed to help us all refresh our memories aboutNon-Towered Airport operations.
PilotWorkshops founder Mark Robidouxhad this to say: "With the recentannouncement of 149 tower closures, there will suddenly be thousands ofpilots flying into and out of airports that had ATC services one day, andnone the next. While all of us are trained in these procedures, it's easy tobecome rusty if you aren't using a skill. We wanted to make this refresheravailable to all pilots for free in the hopes that it makes flying a bitsafer for all of us." LLC was founded in 2005 and is best-known for its free"Pilot's Tip of the Week" emails received by over 100,000 pilots each week. They're crafted by severalnationally known flight instructors and experts, andcover single pilot IFR operations, weather, airmanship, ATC, emergencies and more using a unique, multi-media format.
PilotWorkshops also creates and sells a range of pilot proficiency programsincluding IFR Mastery scenario-based training.
Many thanks to the group for jumping right in to help us brush off the cobwebs. Check out the whole list of offerings for their other refreshers.

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