EAA Homebuilders Week Kicks off January 27
Ever dreamed of building your own airplane? Don’t miss this.

Ever considered building your own airplane but don’t quite know where to start? Here’s the place for you.
Returning in 2025, EAA’s annual Homebuilders Week kicks off January 27 and concludes January 31 after 30 action-packed online classes highlighting the ins and outs of building your own airplane. Sessions include introductions to sheet metal, fabric covering, wiring, engine installation, welding, avionics, and more.
Six live webinars will be held every day that week beginning at 11:30 a.m. CST. Sessions are an hour and a half in length and conclude at the last session, which starts at 7 p.m. CST. Each session will feature a Q&A session.
Attendees can learn more and register at this link. And if you find the idea of building your own airplane even more enticing after Homebuilders Week, be sure to check out our own take on the experimental/amateur-built world at KITPLANES.

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