Tom Cruise Tells US Navy He Wants To Fly F/A-18: Here‘s What The Brass Said
The actor, who flies a P-51 for personal transportation, is gearing up for Top Gun: Maverick, the sequel.
If you're a pilot, you probably already know that Tom Cruise is a pilot, and an accomplished one, too. It's one thing to have the dough to buy a P-51. It's another to have the skill to fly it, which he does on a regular basis!including to and from the movie location!
Now, the movie in question is one of the most highly anticipated aviation films in forever, Top Gun: Maverick, the follow-on to the classic story of a Naval aviator making his way through the trials and!. Oh, heck, let's face it. It's just an awesome flying movie with lots of jets, cars, bikes, and other related goodness, with a love story and drama to spare. The sequel promises more of the same.
What Cruise asked the Navy is, could he fly the F/A-18 in the filming of Top Gun: Maverick, due out to theaters later this year?
And the Navy said! no way! Oh well.
As much as that might have been predictable, but it is kind of cool that he even asked, right?

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