Share Your Oshkosh Memories With Us!
We are featuring our readers’ AirVenture memories and photographs in an upcoming special feature. Here’s how to submit yours.

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018. Photo by Jim Koepnick.
Here at Plane & Pilot we're putting together a special feature focused on Oshkosh memories. If you're like us, you've been to AirVenture not once but many times. What was your favorite memory? What planes did you love? Rub elbows with any aviation stars? If you're interested in sharing your memories and you have at least one good photograph of your time at AirVenture, we've got a super easy-to-fill-out form that will let you share those memories with us, and just maybe, our readers, too. Even if you've only been to one AirVenture, we'd still love to hear from you!
You can share your Oshkosh story here.

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