Plane & Pilot Photo Of The Week From Jackie Steiner
With the coronavirus pandemic disrupting flying activity everywhere you turn, this week’s photo is of an airplane and people who are postponing very special plans due to the COVID-19 threat.
Jackie Steiner and her fiance Tobias Burch walking hand in hand in front of the Carbon Cub they built together. The two had plans to fly the length of the Americas, from Alaska to Argentina, in their Carbon-Cub EX-2. The trip was going to get underway in July just after Oshkosh, but the adventure, they told us, has now been postponed. The new date is March of 2021. Jackie reports that she is "happier than ever to go on backcountry flying adventures," where she can do two things she loves, camping and being in nature. "It's a great way to decompress," she says, "and the Carbon Cub is the right machine for the mission!"

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