Pilot Dresses As Captain Morgan For Final Flight
You won’t believe what ’captain’ outfit this pilot donned for one of his airline’s last flights.
So, your employer is going out of business tomorrow, and as an airline captain, you want to make a statement about your inner self. How would you do it, knowing that your airline can't fire you, as they really are going out of business in a matter of hours? What this guy did blew our mind.
Granted, the captain he chose to dress up as isn't an airplane captain, and we aren't endorsing any alcoholic beverages, and neither, we're guessing, is he, but you have to admit that his get-up is instantly recognizable, and the only word one can utter upon seeing it is, "Captain!"
Though some might take issue with this guy's flouting of his employer's rules, and maybe even the standards of airline flying, we hear through the grapevine that he's an awesome, safety-minded pilot. And we're still chuckling over it.
We don't know if this as yet unnamed faux-Captain Morgan will put this photo on his LinkedIn Page, but if he does, we're definitely giving it a thumbs-up.
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