STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 850. Empty wt. 497. Fuel capacity 13. Wingspan 22’4″. Length 16’4″. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 145. Cruise mph 119. Stall mph 400. Climb rate 850. Ceiling 12,500….

STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 850. Empty wt. 497. Fuel capacity 13. Wingspan 22'4". Length 16'4".
PERFORMANCE: Top mph 145. Cruise mph 119. Stall mph 400. Climb rate 850. Ceiling 12,500. Takeoff run 300. Landing roll 400. Range 300.

The Mini Coupe made its first flight in 1971 and was certified in 1972. By late 1975, approximately 150 sets of plans had been sold. The Mini Coupe is a lightweight all-metal single-seat sporting aircraft powered by a 65-hp modified Volkswagen 1,600cc engine. Its wings are of constant-chord design with all-metal stressed-skin construction, metal ailerons, and no flaps or trim tabs. Its landing gear is the non-retractable tricycle type with oversize tires. The single-seat can be either covered by a canopy or open. Plans are now sold by DCS, Inc.

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