Kaufmann Vans RV-10 Crash In Las Vegas
Kaufmann Vans RV-10 Las Vegas, Nevada Injuries: 2 The pilot, who was also the owner and builder of the airplane, reported that, while on short final, he lost elevator control…
Kaufmann Vans RV-10
Las Vegas, Nevada
Injuries: 2
The pilot, who was also the owner and builder of the airplane, reported that, while on short final, he lost elevator control and was unable to control the airplane's pitch. The pilot continued the landing, but he was unable to flare the airplane, which resulted in a hard landing. The airplane bounced once and then came back down on its nose. Postaccident examination of the airplane revealed that the attachment bolt for the elevator control assembly was missing.
The airplane manufacturer's maintenance instructions called for two washers and an elastic stop nut to secure the elevator assembly attachment bolt. It is likely that the pilot did not properly install or secure the hardware used to attach the bolt, which allowed it to release in flight and rendered the elevator control system ineffective and led to the subsequent loss of pitch control. The airplane had accumulated a total time of 48 hours.
Probable cause(s): A missing elevator control assembly attachment bolt, which rendered the elevator control system ineffective and resulted in a loss of pitch control, and the pilot's incorrect installation of the elevator control assembly.
Note: The report republished here is from the NTSB and is printed verbatim and in its complete form.
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