STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 790. Empty wt. 535. Fuel capacity 11.5. Wingspan 18’5″. Length 13’9″. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 140. Cruise mph 115. Stall mph 52. Climb rate 1,000. Takeoff run…

STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 790. Empty wt. 535. Fuel capacity 11.5. Wingspan 18'5". Length 13'9".
PERFORMANCE: Top mph 140. Cruise mph 115. Stall mph 52. Climb rate 1,000. Takeoff run 550. Landing roll 500.

Designed for simple fabrication, Bill Warwick's Bantam uses no compound curves and very few simple ones. The cockpit area is a steel-tube structure taking all the wing, gear, and engine-mount loads. The remaining is wood construction with a plywood cover. The Bantam is a single-seat, low-wing plane that can use any engine from 65 to 100 hp. Plans are no longer available.

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