STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 2,650-3,300. Empty wt. 1,600-1,800. Wingspan 36’10”. Length 25’10”. PERFORMANCE: Top mph 135. Cruise mph 120. Stall mph 55. Climb rate 500. Takeoff run 1,000. Landing roll…

STANDARD DATA: Gross wt. 2,650-3,300. Empty wt. 1,600-1,800. Wingspan 36'10". Length 25'10".
PERFORMANCE: Top mph 135. Cruise mph 120. Stall mph 55. Climb rate 500. Takeoff run 1,000. Landing roll 1,000. Range 800.

The Aristocraft was originally the last plane designed and built by the Waco Airplane Company. It was aimed at the cabin-class ultra-safe market. Terrence O'Neill bought the rights, simplified its design, and increased its payload. The all-metal high-wing ship is one of the largest homebuilts and can seat up to six persons. Its speed and range make it excellent for cross-country travel. Plans are no longer available.

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