AOPA Announces Transition Back To Jeppesen For Online Flight Planner Service
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) is announcing a change in its online flight planning member benefit.
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The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) is announcing a change in its online flight planning member benefit. Starting in 2015, AOPA will return to the AOPA Internet Flight Planner (AIFP) powered by Jeppesen, thus retiring the current flight planner, FlyQ Web. AIFP will remain a free member benefit.
"We are excited to be partnering with Jeppesen to once again offer the popular AOPA Internet Flight Planner to our members," said AOPA President Mark Baker. "Jeppesen is a longtime supporter of AOPA and its mission and I am pleased that together, we will deliver the free internet-based flight planner that our members already know and value."
"Delivering the AOPA Internet Flight Planner powered by Jeppesen will ensure that this great benefit continues for AOPA members," said Mark Van Tine, Jeppesen CEO and vice president, Boeing Digital Aviation. "Jeppesen is very proud to be a partner of AOPA in supporting the General Aviation community."
Since its initial launch in 2007, AIFP became a popular feature on the organization's website. AOPA is already working with Jeppesen on migrating user data from FlyQ Web. In the transition back to AIFP, AOPA will be returning to the same version as existed when the switch was made to FlyQ Web.
A "beta" version of AIFP will be available for members to start using this fall. A full transition will occur after AOPA is comfortable with the user experience and has ensured that the full transition will be as smooth and seamless as possible. AOPA will keep all members and flight planner users informed as the process goes forward.
In late July, AOPA announced it is exiting the electronic flight bag (EFB) market. At that time, AOPA also announced that it would be developing a distinct smartphone application for flight planning focusing on content and functions driven by member needs. The new smartphone application, available in 2015, will also remain a free member benefit and will link to the AIFP.
About AOPA
Since 1939, AOPA has protected the freedom to fly for thousands of pilots, aircraft owners and aviation enthusiasts. AOPA is the world's largest aviation member association, with representatives based in Frederick, Md., Washington, D.C., and seven regions across the United States. AOPA provides member services that range from advocacy at the federal, state, and local levels to legal services, flight planning products, safety programs and award-winning media. To learn more, visit

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