Accident Brief: BEECH Muskateer Incident In Florida
Two were injured in runway mishap in Florida

BEECH Musketeer
Keystone Heights, Florida/Injuries: 2
The pilot reported that, after landing on runway 11, he realized runway 5/23 was being used as a taxiway so he back taxied onto runway 23. He saw another airplane taxiing toward him and made several CTAF transmissions to the pilot but received no response. Not knowing the taxiing airplane's intentions, he maneuvered his airplane to the left side of runway 5, and the left wing struck a construction sign. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the left wing and aileron. The pilot reported that there were no preaccident mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.
Probable cause(s): The pilot's failure to maintain clearance from a construction sign during taxi operations.

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