2019 High Sierra Fly-In Under Way
The most remarkable grass roots get together movement since Hales Corners is getting started at a remote Nevada dry lakebed.
Planes are arriving today en masse at Dead Cow Lake, Nevada, for the High Sierra Fly-In. It is, in case you've somehow missed it, the most happening fly-in west of the Pecos. Sponsored, appropriately enough, by a loose-knit group of backcountry flyers called the Flying Cowboys, HSF has been going on for the better part of a decade now, but this year the event has reached critical mass.
Event founder Kevin Quinn and fellow HSF organizers have capped the attendance this year at, get ready for it, 500 airplanes, and those reservation slots have been filled for weeks now. In addition, the event expects hundreds of campers.
Here are a few images of the magic that is HSF. Look for more in the coming days on planeandpilotmag.com and look for our feature gallery on the event in our January issue.

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