TECNAM “P92 ECHO”€/”P96 GOLF”€

P96 Golf 100 STANDARD DATA: P96 GOLF Seats 2. Gross wt. 990. Empty wt. 581. Fuel capacity 16. PERFORMANCE: Top cruise mph 130. Cruise mph 100. Stall mph 40. Climb…

P96 Golf 100
STANDARD DATA: P96 GOLF Seats 2. Gross wt. 990. Empty wt. 581. Fuel capacity 16.
PERFORMANCE: Top cruise mph 130. Cruise mph 100. Stall mph 40. Climb rate 1,000 fpm. Takeoff run 650. Landing roll 700.

Luigi Pascale, who designed the Partenavia twin, designed and built both the P92 and P96. The Echo first flew in 1992, and its low-wing variant, the P96 Echo made its maiden flight in 1996. Designed to fly with a Jabiru 2200 engine, the two-seaters are immensely popular in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

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