Have You Crossed One Off Your Bucket List?
Plane & Pilot is looking for your stories
Just about every pilot we know has an aviation bucket list, a dream lineup of hardware they want to fly, strips they want to land at, or things they want to do in an airplane before they die. In our new column, called Bucket List, we're looking for you, Plane & Pilot readers, to tell us your story.
The piece is short, just 700 words, and in it you'll need to tell your story and enough about the bucket list item so your fellow pilots will get the gist of what kind of challenge or fun flying you were up to. We'd also love to get a photo of you in the process of checking that one off. The stories that will really get our attention are the ones that are unusual and we haven't run before. So a seaplane rating is great. A seaplane rating in Tahiti is even better.
If you're interested, just email us your story or questions at editor@planeandpilotmag.com. We're looking forward to hearing your story!
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